Candid insights

The big picture of the social sector, backed by data and expertise

Face time with Candid, February-April 2020

Candid staff will—literally—be all over the map during the next three months. If you're attending any of these events, please say hello to get some face time with Candid colleague(s) who are  there. Before getting into the details, we encourage…

By Suzanne Coffman (she/her)

January 31, 2020

Join the next decade of foundation transparency

Ten years ago, you rarely found references to foundation transparency. Most mentions at the time focused on its importance for grantees or governments. But the world was changing to one in which everyone expected to be able to find all…

By Janet Camarena (she/her)

January 30, 2020

Volunteer management trends in 2020 and beyond

The importance of volunteers in 2020 can not be overstated. The value of a volunteer hour has risen over 7 percent in just the last five years and is now at $25.23. If you ask most nonprofits, however, they would…

By Eric Burger

January 29, 2020

You can stop guessing about what works in fundraising and what doesn’t

When you add up fundraisers, their bosses, their boards, and assorted second-guessers, there are, I’m sure, millions of opinions about what works in fundraising and how to raise money “the right way.” For example, executive directors and board chairs who…

By Tom Ahern

January 28, 2020

Attracting your best corporate partner

Imagine going on a first date with someone you think you’re really interested in. I know the rules have changed a lot since I’ve been in the game, but I bet some things have stayed the same. Even if you’re…

By Jessica James (she/her)

January 24, 2020

As foundations reimagine themselves, they should give attention to DEI in operations

Not every foundation has shifted toward a lens of diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI), but fortunately, many have. That said, there seems to be a glaring miss amidst all this DEI work, and that is with who gets to participate…

By Satonya Fair (she/her) and Chantal Forster

January 22, 2020

Should your budget balance? NO!!

In December 2019, Jeanne Bell of Nonprofit Quarterly and I led the first of a two-part webinar series on strategic nonprofit budgeting. One of the things we inevitably covered, even though I wish we no longer had to, was dispelling the myth…

By Kate Barr (she/her)

January 21, 2020

What’s new at Candid (January 2020)

Happy new year! For my squad’s first meeting of the year, we spend some time reflecting on what went well, what challenges we faced, who we met, and what we learned in 2019. We also asked each other, “What’s one…

By Jen Bokoff (she/her)

January 16, 2020

Time for our sector to draw a new fish!

A while ago, I read about an experiment where kids were asked to draw a fish. One group was just told to draw a fish; the other group were told the same thing, but they were also given an example…

By Vu Le (he/him)

January 15, 2020

5 online tools to become a nonprofit marketing expert

When I started in nonprofit marketing, with a shiny new journalism degree in hand, I thought I was all set to succeed. How hard can it be? I had much to learn about what makes a good marketer. After over…

By Maria Bryan (she/her)

January 14, 2020

How Philanthropy Can Benefit From Tapping Into Instagram Communities

Judging from media coverage and online conversations, it's clear we're living in a time of heightened social consciousness ("wokeness"). Whether that sentiment is driven by genuine concern for the fate of the planet and the welfare of others or a…

By Rodney Laws

January 13, 2020

Authentic communication: the key to meaningful connection and engagement

There are four big things that can hamper success in any organization, team, or relationship: lack of buy-in, lack of trust, inequities, and strife arising from toxic conflict. Authentic communication, however, can begin a process to correct, reset, build momentum,…

By Carmen C. Marshall

January 9, 2020