What’s new at Candid (February 2020)
It’s been a year since we’ve become Candid … wow! Next month, we’ll launch our first annual report so that you can see a full picture of all that’s been happening behind the scenes. I work with incredibly driven and thoughtful colleagues, and we’re proud to continue bringing you information you need to do good while also updating how we do it to work smarter. Check out our latest in the post.
- FDO (Foundation Directory Online) announced that in 2019, it added $3.4 million in new grants; 74,000 organization leadership updates; 12,000 new grantmakers; 272,000 contact information updates; 116,000 new recipient profiles; and more than 50 enhancements.
- Last year, Candid provided 354 custom data sets to persons and businesses outside Candid.
- In 2019, we also gave 1,186 individuals at 76 educational institutions discounted or complimentary access to GuideStar resources.
- We’ve launched a new GrantCraft guide, Teaming Up for Advocacy, which looks at how funders are collaborating to drive change through cofunding advocacy.
- As part of our efforts to provide the sector with more timely data, we launched a campaign to collect FY 2019 grants data from funders via our eReporting program. The deadline to submit grants data is June 30, 2020. To date, 160 funders have shared their complete grants data for FY 2019.
- Lauren Bradford, senior director of global projects & partnerships, spoke at the DAFNE Philanthropy Europe Networks PEXforum2020 held in Madrid, Spain. This first-ever conference convened philanthropy leaders and members of DAFNE (Donors and Foundations Networks in Europe) to co-create a new narrative for philanthropy. Lauren presented on human rights data sharing with Ariadne network and participated in conversations to move forward an action plan around data. All around, the conference was incredibly action-oriented, modern in its programming and facilitation (with almost no panels and set in an energizing space), and full of great learnings.
- Larry McGill, Lauren Bradford, and Inga Ingulfsen from our global projects & partnerships team traveled to Sao Paulo for a series of meetings with several partners we work closely with, both locally in Brazil and globally. Our meeting marathon kicked off with an all-day meeting with WINGS where we strategized how we can work together to support an enabling environment for philanthropy and civil society globally, including through new opportunities as WINGS takes over the SDG Philanthropy Platform. We then facilitated a workshop with 25 Brazilian organizations on how to use evidence to make the case for community philanthropy in Brazil. Finally, we spent the weekend working with our colleagues from CENTRIS and the Global Fund consolidating our partnership on supporting the global community philanthropy sector, finalizing our soon-to-be published report on philanthropy and peacebuilding, and planning for the next stage of work to build on that research, which will involve outreach, convening, and funder education.
Find more projects we have been working on.
Funding Information Network milestones
Our 400 Funding Information Network (FIN) partners play a vital role in connecting people with Candid resources. Whether you need to research funders in Foundation Directory Online or want to attend Candid trainings, your local FIN can help. So we’re delighted to the following FIN milestones.
Join us in celebrating the 25-year anniversaries of these FIN leads:
- Jill Azariam, Dallas Public Library
- Greg Gilstrap, Fargo Public Library
- Sherri Vaughn, Farmington Community Library
We’d also like to recognize the following FIN partners, one of which has been collaborating with us for half a century, and the others for 45 years.
50 years
- Texas Grants Resource Center
45 years
- Boston Public Library
- Buffalo and Erie County Public Library
- Central Arkansas Library System
- Central Library 45 Dallas Public Library
- Denver Public Library
- Enoch Pratt Free Library
- Forefront
- Grand Rapids Public Library
- Jackson Hinds Library System
- Jacksonville Public Library
- Kanawha County Public Library
- Levittown Public Library
- Louisville Free Public Library
- Maine Philanthropy Center
- New Jersey State Library
- Omaha Public Library
- Providence Public Library
- Richmond Public Library
- Salt Lake City Public Library
- Seattle Public Library
- South Carolina State Library
- Topeka and Shawnee County Public Library