Candid insights

The big picture of the social sector, backed by data and expertise

Fragility and resilience: the landscape of nonprofit financial health in the U.S.

The media is full of the economic consequences of the coronavirus. Here in the United States, 40 million people have lost jobs. Prominent businesses—from Hertz to J. Crew—have declared bankruptcy. But thus far there is an eerie silence as to…

By Jacob Harold (he/him)

June 8, 2020

Two truths and a lie: fundraising in a pandemic

"Two truths and a lie: fundraising in a pandemic" is reprinted from JMT Consulting. My dear friends, colleagues, soul sisters and brothers in the Development Department ... I see you. You work your tails off when times are flush, and…

By Jessica James (she/her)

June 5, 2020

Corporate partnerships—moving beyond event sponsorships

Once upon a time, corporate funding for nonprofits came mainly in the form of sponsorship for special events, such as galas and walks. Nonprofits set menus of available benefits at different price points, and companies supported an event at their…

By Loree Lipstein (she/her)

June 3, 2020

Building institutional capacity, without breaking the bank

Institutional capacity is your organization’s ability to get work done—to reach its goals. The process of improving that capacity is often thought of in terms resources: finding more funding and increasing staff. Unfortunately, this direct approach is hard to accomplish.…

By Steven E. Wallis

June 1, 2020

Back to the basics: rethinking your fundraising strategy

Having an effective fundraising strategy is important, but having a flexible one is imperative. Nobody could have predicted the effects of COVID-19, but now nonprofits everywhere are struggling to stay afloat. To help you navigate the negative financial effects of…

By Leigh Kessler (he/him)

May 29, 2020

How nonprofits can act now to lock in historic energy bill savings

Amongst all the economic data we’ve been bombarded with during the coronavirus (COVID-19) crisis, there’s a data point that stands out due to its seemingly impossible mathematics: oil prices have gone negative, along with energy bill prices. For a brief…

By Heather Takle (she/her)

May 28, 2020

How philanthropy can ease a growing mental health crisis in the U.S.

Can the U.S. health system handle the mental health crisis resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic? Experts think not. Despite increased funding for fiscal year 2020 across various health agencies and robust mental health provisions in the COVID-19 stimulus aid package,…

By Asia Hadley (she/her)

May 27, 2020

In the Time of Coronavirus: Can nonprofits and foundations use their endowments as a resource for recovery?

In our first two posts, we focused on risks facing nonprofits and their likely cash on hand, especially in Michigan, but with findings representative of nonprofits nationwide. In this third post, we pivot to looking at endowments as a resource for recovery.…

By Jeff Williams (he/him)

May 26, 2020

COVID-19 strategy: creating a plan to weather the crisis

Nonprofit professionals everywhere have felt the pressures of the COVID-19 crisis. With both a constituency in need and a donor base that’s unable to give at the levels it may have at other times, many nonprofits are finding it particularly…

By Aly Sterling (she/her)

May 22, 2020

6 Top Tips To Approach Funders

(Including Those Who Are Not Accepting Applications!)  Candid’s Senior Director of Development, Aleda Gagarin, shares her development expertise to answer the burning question every fundraiser asks themselves on how to approach funders: Does the grantmaker accept applications and should I…

May 19, 2020

The growing importance of online advocacy: getting started

As the nonprofit sector and the economy as a whole face unprecedented levels of disruption, planning out your nonprofit’s next campaign can certainly feel daunting. What works in a new virtual environment? What will be engaging for your supporters when…

By Ryan Ozimek (he/him)

May 15, 2020

How Candid listened to and is supporting our community of nonprofits

Candid gets you the information you need to do good. One way our team works toward this mission is by developing capacity-building trainings and workshops focused on fundraising, organizational sustainability, and leadership and management for our community of nonprofits. How are you? In early March…

By Krista Berry (she/her), David M. Holmes (he/him), and Elizabeth Madjlesi (she/her)

May 13, 2020