Candid insights

The big picture of the social sector, backed by data and expertise

Are You Over or Under-Protecting Your Grants Data? 5 Ways to Balance Transparency and Data Protection in Sensitive Contexts

Over the last few months, this blog has presented insights gained from the Advancing Human Rights initiative’s five-year trend analysis. Getting to these insights would not have been possible had not a growing number of funders decided to consistently share more detailed…

By Laia Griñó (she/her)

April 12, 2018

6 Top Tips When Funders Aren’t Accepting Applications

Candid's vice president of Influence, Aleda Gagarin, shares her development expertise to answer the burning question every fundraiser asks themselves: Does the grantmaker accept applications and should I even consider this funder if they don't? What do I do when…

By Aleda Gagarin (she/her)

October 18, 2017

Foundations and Endowments: Smart People, Dumb Choices

This post is part of a Transparency Talk series, presented in partnership with the Conrad N. Hilton Foundation, examining the importance of the 990-PF, the informational tax form that foundations must annually file. The series will explore the implications of…

By Marc Gunther

August 3, 2017

10 Ways Technology Can Advance Family Planning

Family planning and contraceptive social marketing used to be a straightforward, relatively low-tech affair. You would design an attractively packaged condom or contraceptive product and sell it to as many retail outlets as possible. To increase demand, you would create…

By Christopher Purdy

April 28, 2017

Warren Buffett Has Some Excellent Advice for Foundations That They Probably Won’t Take

This post is part of a Transparency Talk series, presented in partnership with the Conrad N. Hilton Foundation, examining the importance of the 990-PF, the informational tax form that foundations must annually file. The series will explore the implications of…

By Marc Gunther

March 16, 2017

Apocalypse Later? Philanthropy and Transparency in an Illiberal World

This post is part of a Transparency Talk series, presented in partnership with the Conrad N. Hilton Foundation, examining the importance of the 990-PF, the informational tax form that foundations must annually file. The series will explore the implications of…

By Bradford K. Smith (he/him)

March 6, 2017

Ten Characteristics of High Performing Nonprofit Organizations

Despite the size of the $1.5 trillion nonprofit sector in the U.S. - nearly 10% of the economy - nonprofits are subject to rather minimal independent professional scrutiny beyond annual audits. Publicly traded companies publish quarterly financial reports, are subject…

February 2, 2017

Find a Fiscal Sponsor that Fits

You've got a brilliant idea for a nonprofit. You've done your research, gathered your team, and even have a lead on some funding. Someone suggests fiscal sponsorship as a smart way to start your project. But what is that? And…

By Linda Fowells (she/her)

June 6, 2016

Foundation Transparency: Game Over?

This post is part of a Transparency Talk series, presented in partnership with the Conrad N. Hilton Foundation, examining the importance of the 990-PF, the informational tax form that foundations must annually file. The series will explore the implications of the…

By Bradford K. Smith (he/him)

May 23, 2016

Confessions of a Program Officer

At the Hewlett Foundation, every program officer is limited to one eight-year term. Mine ends this week. As I reflect on my time here, I think about those moments of doubt when I wondered if I was doing meaningful work.…

By Dana Schmidt

April 3, 2016

6 Charitable Solicitation Facts to Know Before Applying for a Grant

For many nonprofits, foundation grants represent a significant part of their annual income. The Internet, of course, has made finding grant opportunities easier and has streamlined the grants application process to a degree. As organizations seek grant funds outside their…

By James Gilmer

March 25, 2016

20 Great Techniques for Writing the Perfect Nonprofit Tagline

A pitch-perfect tagline can be the foundation for all messages you create about your organization or program. A tagline is a punchy phrase consistently linked with your organization. It enhances your name by clarifying your work and making it relevant…

February 12, 2016