Candid insights

The big picture of the social sector, backed by data and expertise

To bot or not to bot: Using generative AI in grantwriting

Learn what generative AI is, ways it can be useful for nonprofit grantwriting, and how to use it responsibly.

By David M. Holmes (he/him) and Kristin Hanlin (she/her)

February 14, 2024

Zero-cost, maximum-impact professional development for fundraisers

If you’d like to level up your fundraising skills, learn about high-impact, no-cost professional development resources and strategies to support your success.

By Chris Bunting (they/them) and Kristin Hanlin (she/her)

January 31, 2024

Five green flags for funders in your grant proposal

To increase your odds of securing funding, discover five green flags funders look for in your grant proposal.

By David M. Holmes (he/him) and Kate Meyers Emery, Ph.D. (she/her)

January 25, 2024

New year, new social media plan: Using data to inform our strategy 

If creating a nonprofit social media plan is top of mind this year, learn how Candid uses data to inform our approach–and how you can do the same.

By Kate Meyers Emery, Ph.D. (she/her)

January 24, 2024

Kickstart a successful fundraising year with Candid Seals of Transparency 

2024 Candid Seals of Transparency are here. Find out how Candid Seals benefit nonprofits like yours and how to get started earning a Seal to boost your fundraising success this year.

By Keomony Sen (she/her)

January 23, 2024

Unlocking change: Free access to Candid’s nonprofit resources

Use Candid’s free nonprofit resources and tools to help you find funding, build capacity, stay up-to-date on the social sector, and more.

By Brittany Hall (she/her)

January 17, 2024

The social sector has a negativity bias. Here’s what you can do about it.  

Feeling down about the world you aim to improve? Learn why negativity bias in the nonprofit sector may be to blame and how to protect your well-being while driving impact in your work.

By Cathleen Clerkin, Ph.D. (she/her)

January 10, 2024

Building a nonprofit budget: 4 steps to get started

Get the basics of building a nonprofit budget to support your mission-driven operations.

By Jon Osterburg (he/him)

December 20, 2023

Turning the comms toolkit upside down

Learn about a more efficient and effective approach to creating a nonprofit comms toolkit to support the launch of key campaigns and initiatives.

By Mary Steyer (she/her)

December 14, 2023

Tips for remote interns

In this blog, Candid’s remote interns share helpful advice and tips for working from home at a nonprofit.

By Promise Pitman (she/her)

December 12, 2023

Building a culture of nonprofit compliance at Candid

Candid’s contracts and compliance manager shares first-hand learnings and advice for building a culture of nonprofit compliance.

By Astrid Vinje (she/her)

November 29, 2023

Increasing efficiency in grant reporting

Learn Candid’s approach to streamlining our grant reporting processes and our vision for reducing the burden that grant reports place on nonprofits today.

By Aleda Gagarin (she/her) and Zahra Hassan (she/her)

November 28, 2023