Candid insights

The big picture of the social sector, backed by data and expertise

Tap into Donor-advised Funds with FDO

Expert fundraisers recognize that Donor-advised Funds are a growing source of funding for nonprofits. Between 2007 and 2016, assets in DAFs nationwide skyrocketed from $32 billion to $85 billion[1]. You can now prospect research for DAFs easier in FDO. Follow…

August 26, 2019

A Foundation Insider’s 8 Tips to Help You Win Your Next Grant

One of my favorite sections in the revised edition of my book the Ultimate Insider’s Guide to Winning Foundation Grants is called “The Grant Seeker’s Reality Check.” In 10 brief chapters I examine, from the vantage point of one who served for…

May 21, 2019

Transparency: One Small Step for Funders, One Giant Leap for Equity

In order to solve a problem, one must first identify its parameters. This applies, too, to the philanthropic sector; to that end, many of us are pushing for greater transparency in our field. For example, Candid teamed up with a…

By Genevieve Boutilier

May 9, 2019

How to Use Storytelling for Nonprofits to Get More Grants

Unsure whether your grant proposals have what it takes to stand out in a sea of applications? There can often be misunderstandings amongst nonprofits as to what constitutes a strong proposal in the eyes of a foundation. While there’s no…

By Tracy Kaufman (she/her)

April 5, 2019

High-Impact Volunteer Engagement: Six Factors for Success

Skilled volunteer engagement (also known as pro bono service) can be an effective way to bridge the capacity gap. It’s important to recognize volunteers aren’t “free” and in order for skilled volunteerism to be effective, your organization must be ready to make the most of this valuable contribution of time and talent.

February 15, 2019

Meet Your Fundraising Needs with FDO as Your Partner

You need the best prospecting tool available, Foundation Directory Online is committed to meeting your needs as a fundraiser. Meet Your Fundraising Needs with FDO as Your Partner. Last year was a big year for FDO, we added nearly 70,000…

February 13, 2019

Corporate Relationships in Action: Unlocking Corporate Needs and Interests

We fell in love with our own organizational goals and desires and forgot to focus on the interests of the company in these corporate relationships.

By Lewis Flax (he/him)

January 23, 2019

Planned Giving Success: Strategies to Maximize Donor Gifts

There are simple steps even small, grassroots groups can take to encourage legacy gifts and planned giving success.

December 17, 2018

Eight Ways Funders Can Engage in Rural Philanthropy

Rural America is home to significant political capital and influence that can add considerable muscle to national policy and advocacy efforts, and funders need to engage in Rural Philanthropy.

By Betsey Russell (she/her) and Allen Smart (he/him)

December 5, 2018

Expand Your International Nonprofit Organization’s Presence to Attract U.S. Funders

During my 10 years teaching and training nonprofits around the world, I have found that some of the biggest challenges they grapple with in seeking funding are related to differentiating themselves from the plethora of other great causes in the…

November 8, 2018

Philanthropy and Democracy: Bringing Data to the Debate

As money and politics become increasingly intertwined, the enduring debate around the intersecting roles of philanthropy and democracy has taken on new life in recent months  (see here, here, here, and here for prominent examples). One side of the debate sees…

By Anna Koob (she/her)

October 18, 2018

Transparency & Start-up Philanthropy: What We Can Learn from Bezos and Zuckerberg

It’s hard to think of a philanthropic institution as a start-up. The phrase “start-up” conjures the image of two geeks in a garage with big dreams but very limited means. But as we all know from breathless news coverage about…

By Janet Camarena (she/her)

October 11, 2018