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Candid resources to advance your work during the coronavirus crisis

Young woman wearing headphones and typing on a laptop computer. Yellow squiggly lines indicate information flowing from the computer.

Dear nonprofit community,

As the coronavirus (COVID-19) disrupts more and more lives around the world, we want to be here for you. We thank those on the front lines fighting the virus and serving vulnerable populations at this difficult time. And we acknowledge that for some, the best part we can play is to practice social distancing to prevent the virus’s spread. We are physically staying apart so that we can band together to fight this pandemic. At this moment, the Internet is a lifeline to the outside world for many.

During this crisis, we are redoubling our efforts here at Candid to bring empathy and kindness into every interaction, and we’re committed to continuing to share resources and information and create trainings that will hopefully help you get through it. We recognize that for many nonprofits, the pandemic has meant an increase in demand for the work you do. Staff are faced with more limited resources than before but with a greater need for professional development, especially as it relates to fundraising. To ensure our Candid resources and trainings are as accessible as possible in this time of crisis, we’re actively monitoring coronavirus developments and are making changes to in-person programming as necessary. Many of our in-person workshops and events will move to a virtual format.

We are here to help, with a library of free ondemand Candid resources, including:

Also part of are Candid resources are a few of our free videos designed to build your skills as a fundraiser, leader, and nonprofit professional, organized by topic:

On fundraising with individual donors

On fundraising for specific projects/causes

  • From Preparedness to Recovery: Fundraising for Natural Disasters
    When disasters strike, people immediately come together to help the affected communities. For many, this aid comes in the form of monetary donations. But did you know that most of these contributions cease within a few weeks? Long-term recovery takes years, which means it’s imperative to keep the dollars flowing. Get tips on how to prepare to respond to the aftermath of a natural disaster. From grass tops to grassroots, you’ll find strategies for creating data-informed cases for support to foundations and corporations, best practices in disaster philanthropy, and guidance on collaborating with community foundations and long-term recovery groups in small and rural towns.
  • Meet the Funders: Capital Funding
    Finding funding for capital expenses is one of the most challenging fundraising efforts—in terms of time, scope, and resources—an organization ever undertakes. So many funders say they don’t give for capital expenses or to capital campaigns. But a major gift from a foundation can be a life changer for your capital funding efforts and can rally support from other lead donors toward your end goal! Come meet three funders who make a concerted effort to provide grants for capital expenses. Find out why they give and how you can identify and secure potential capital funding prospects for your own fundraising efforts.

On fighting burnout

  • Skills for Overcoming Burnout—Refueling the Fire
    Too often, the fire that fuels those of us working in the social sector ends up becoming the fire that burns us out. Nonprofit staff often find themselves feeling anxiety and hopelessness, working ineffectively in their teams, and traveling on the path to burnout. This training will enable you to cultivate resilience-based practices in your own lives and in your organizations, which will help you create a culture of sustainable activism.
  • The Happy Healthy Nonprofit: Strategies for Impact Without Burnout
    Authors Beth Kanter and Aliza Sherman discuss self-care in the nonprofit sector as well as their book, The Happy Healthy Nonprofit: Strategies for Impact Without Burnout. The discussion offers concrete tips for individual self-care to help nonprofit professionals and social change activists embrace a “Happy Healthy” work/life to reduce burnout and increase productivity for greater impact.

On storytelling and communications

  • Storytelling for Fundraising Success
    Everyone loves a powerful and inspiring story, and your donors and potential donors are no exceptions. Of course, each nonprofit has many stories to share. Learn how you can best feature those stories to connect with your donors in your printed and online materials.
  • Shifting the Narrative to Advance Racial Equity
    Foundations and nonprofits alike often struggle to communicate effectively about the importance of racial equity in their work. In this video, Alan Jenkins of the Opportunity Agenda shares best practices and new approaches proven to advance equity across issues and communities. He also shares the results of recent public opinion and media research, highlights relevant case studies, and offers practical tips designed for donors and nonprofits.

On governance and talent management

  • Steps You Can Take Immediately to Diversify Your Board and Major Donor Base
    Increasingly over the last 20 years there has been alarm and concern over the historic lack of diversity in U.S. nonprofits. Despite long-term concern, growing awareness of multiethnic wealth and philanthropy, and many studies, very little has changed in board and major donor diversity. This video concentrates on practical methods for identifying and approaching diverse major donor and board prospects who share a passion for your organization and mission. This process focuses on building powerful relationships with diverse people of expertise, wealth, and influence. This is the counter to tokenism.
  • Catalysts for Change: Non-Governing Boards as Pipelines for Diverse, Equitable, and Inclusive Leadership
    Engaging in board service is an invaluable opportunity to have substantial community impact and can be one of the most rewarding experiences volunteers can have. Non-governing boards, such as junior boards, young professional boards, or advisory councils, are creative tools for nonprofits to build pipelines for diversity and cultivate the next generation of talented leaders. Join us to learn how these types of boards can help you reach emerging leaders and add to your nonprofit’s overall diversity by fostering the support of new donors. During this training, you will gain the necessary insights and tools to build your own sustainable and diverse non-governing board.
  • Making the Case for Investing in Your Greatest Asset: Nonprofit People
    People are the greatest asset in any nonprofit organization. By investing in the talent needs of your staff, you can increase their effectiveness while also making the organization more sustainable. But what does that investment look like? Find out how funders and nonprofits can work together to support and develop nonprofit professionals and leaders. Get an inside look at talent-investing in practice, and learn how to use it in your own organization.

On collaboration

  • A Funder’s Perspective on Collaboration and Strategic Alliances
    This video introduces the national movement of funders interested in supporting strategic alliances and shares insights from the lessons learned from the dozens of strategic alliances recently formed in Los Angeles, CA. Watch to find out how a strategic alliance could help you strengthen your local impact.

To grow as a leader and/or fundraiser

  • 7 Lessons Learned from Nonprofit Leaders
    Nonprofit leaders face many challenges as they work toward achieving their missions. How best can they lead as they juggle multiple demands? Learn to recognize seven top pitfalls common to nonprofit leadership and how to rise above them. In this video, you will learn the key ingredients to optimize your organization’s fundraising efforts, build collaborative partnerships with your board, and lastly, foster a strong, sustainable team and work culture.
  • The Makings of a Great Development Director
    If there is one thing that nonprofit organizations agree on, it’s that raising money is hard. Funding can be hard to come by even if you are mission-oriented and have strong leadership. During this training, we share best practices for hiring a development director and setting goals for their first year with your organization. We will also provide guidance for evaluating your director’s performance and empowering your director and fundraising staff.
  • A Day in the Life of a Major Gifts Officer
    Hear how representatives from the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) and the San Francisco Marin Food Bank approach major donor relationship cultivation and asking. We will also look at how each major gifts professional supports board and volunteer solicitors, and gain a sense of the development team each is part of. And, yes, we will find out what a typical day is like, along with how each shop identifies a potential major donor.

From our Racial Equity efforts

Explore Candid resources and programming that addresses diversity, equity, and incluion (DEI) in philanthropy.

  • Getting Ahead of the Curve with Diversity, Inclusion, and Equity
    Everyone is talking about “DEI,” but what exactly does it mean? How can nonprofit organizations proactively address the issues of DEI within their organizations in a way that generates positive and transformative change? Hear from Carly Hare, national director/coalition catalyst at Change Philanthropy, as she gives a bird’s-eye view of actions being taken across the sector in regard to DEI, and grounds the language and frameworks being used. You will learn strategies to help nonprofits be more proactive with DEI in their own organizations and align their work with foundations’ priorities.
  • Rethinking Philanthropy: Indigenous-Led Grantmaking
    In the context of U.S. global giving, direct funding to Indigenous peoples represents a tiny fraction of total giving. In response to this challenge, a few Indigenous leaders have stepped up to rethink philanthropy in a way that is inclusive of Indigenous peoples. They have designed Indigenous-led grantmaking programs that place the decision-making power on the Indigenous leader and include values of reciprocity and community knowledge. In this video, you will hear from Indigenous leaders in the philanthropic sector who share how they have redefined grantmaking practices to better serve Indigenous communities. This panel comments on the unique needs of Native communities in the U.S. Southwest and explores the regional and global Indigenous-led movements that are gaining traction.

We continue to look for ways that Candid resources can best serve you during the coronavirus pandemic. We welcome your thoughts online via TwitterFacebookLinkedInInstagram, and our Online Librarian chat. We’re here to help!

Editor’s note: for additional Candid resources to help you through this crisis, visit coronavirus pop-up webpage.


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  • Nora McNamara says:

    May 12, 2020 11:59 am

    Please keep the information coming!

  • Robin Marks says:

    April 21, 2020 10:12 am

    I'm delighted to discover this Blog. What a treasure trove of information! Thank you.

  • Brenda Grove says:

    April 13, 2020 11:03 am

    These are great resources ?